- 《be ~》客先{きゃくさき}が要望{ようぼう}する数量{すうりょう}を引き受けることができない
unable to accept the quantity the customer requests 意味
- "unable even to feign interest in" 意味
- "unable to" 意味
- "unable to accept someone's offer at this time" 意味
- "unable to accept the invitation owing to a prior engagement on" 意味
- "unable to accept the quantity someone ordered" 意味
- "unable to accomplish" 意味
- "unable to allocate memory" 意味
- "unable to articulate a specific legal problem" 意味
- "unable to articulate properly" 意味
- "unable to accept the invitation owing to a prior engagement on" 意味
- "unable to accept the quantity someone ordered" 意味
- "unable to accomplish" 意味
- "unable to allocate memory" 意味